Thursday, February 26, 2009


So I went to the allergist today because I am just tired of itchy watery eyes, sore throat and nasal drippage. : ) It turns out I am highly allergic to most trees. . . hmmm, good thing I don't live near any of THOSE!!!! I am also allergic to dust, dust mites, and . . . yep, you guessed it. . . cats. And I am only halfway through the testing. Apparently my allergies to trees are severe enough that I need allergy injections, but in the meantime, I have to go on nasal steroids, nasal antihistamine, oral antihistamine, and I have to carry steroids and an epipen with me! Good grief! Oh well, at least now maybe I will be able to breath and swallow! : )

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Which outfit?

Which looks better, khaki or blue jeans? I need help! : )

Some new outfits

Sunday night volleyball

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Stylin' Sista took me shoppin' yesterday and it was a blast!!! She has so much STYLE! I am sadly very lacking in this ability. I like to dress nice, but I have no idea how to put things together and coordinate outfits. . . I just don't have that skill. Thank goodness stylin' sista is here to save the day. I just have to mention one funny thing. So, she helped me coordinate some great outfits (I will post some pictures later), and then asked me what shoes I would wear with them. Well, I must say, I wear my white skater shoes with everything. . . I am so sorry stylin' sista, but you have your work cut out for you with this one! : )

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Next weekend I am going to get to visit my very dear friend Sarah in Ohio. I am really looking forward to it. I miss her so much since she moved back! We will have so much fun!

Monday, February 16, 2009

who am I?

Have you ever had situations where you really wondered who you have become? I have always enjoyed people, I still do enjoy people, but only a couple at a time. I have found myself over the past couple years becoming increasingly more anxious when I am expected to be social around large groups of people. Church has become an extreme challenge as I feel expected to connect and socialize with so many people in a short amount of time. I enjoy one on one interactions in a quiet setting, or even two to four people, but beyond that I start to feel extremely anxious. I wasn't ever this way before and it is fascinating to me why I now feel very overwhelmed by large groups of people.

Sunday, February 08, 2009