Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24th, 2009

Eight years ago today, Jason and I were getting married. Starting a new life together. What an amazing and blessed eight years it has been. Thank you Jason for being the best husband in the world, and for being my best friend! I love you!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Nighttime Shadows

Nighttime sky outside of our house- actually it was very early in the morning, I was leaving for work!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I am currently reading, "When People are Big and God is Small." Very good book. I recommend it! The author Edward Welch speaks of how in our society we speak so much of what our 'psychological needs' are and these were his comments:

When psychological needs, rather than sin, are seen as our primary problem, not only is our self-understanding affected, but the gospel itself is changed. A needs theory suggests that the gospel is, most deeply, intended to meet psychological needs. . . This sounds good to us but it is not the gospel. The good news of Jesus is not intended to make us feel good about ourselves. . . Jesus did not die to increase our self-esteem. Rather, Jesus died to bring glory to the Father by redeeming people from the curse of sin.

I don't know what to add to that. Great quote, great book! This book is full of wisdom.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Road Less Travelled

I wanted to change the title of my blog. I got to thinking today, my life has often been about being different. I grew up as a missionary kid in Bangladesh and Kenya which always made me feel a little strange. Not in a bad way, just different. I loved seeing the world from so many different perspectives. Now as I have molded into American culture, I am finding myself again taking the road less travelled as I have been married going on eight years and do not have children. This has not always been a positive difference for me, I have often felt very out of place, but now, I am embracing this difference. I picture myself taking a detour from the main highway and traveling down back roads and I am amazed at the beauty of the scenery. Being different is not always bad. I get to see life from a different angle, and I am so grateful for this beautiful perspective.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Dawn and Sarah

Sarah and Dawn

Sarah's job

This is Shriners Hospital where Sarah works
It is really neat