Friday, October 31, 2008

Work halloween party

Cheryl really getting into halloween
Dawn and Chris

Susan and Mary

The candy dish

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

LBC- school

Well, I have decided to continue school at this point. I registered for two classes in Spring of 2009- Research Statistics and Ethics in Counseling. I will need to be prayed through the statistics class! I am about to check the syllabi for these two classes, and I am putting it off because I think it will be overwhelming. . . Here goes nothing. . .

Monday, October 27, 2008

Indiana Jones and crew

The road rally crew 2008

Jason's deer

The doe Jason shot with his muzzleloader (sp?)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

God's will

The topic of God's will or God's plan has always been a mental battleground for me. I struggle with whether there is a specific course in which we must follow in order to be in God's will, or whether God's will is simply that we have an attitude of submission to Him. If it is the latter, can we make wrong choices while still wishing to do what God would have us to? Proverbs 19:21 says "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Does this mean that if we are not supposed to follow a particular direction, God will not allow it to happen? I know this comes down to the disagreement of God's sovereignty versus man's free will, and if I have to pick a side, I will always err to the side of God's sovereignty. However, this leaves me in a quagmire when it comes to major decisions in my life. Do I move forward assuming if it is not God's plan for me, He will stop it? Do I wait for specific confirmation? What if I have several choices, how do I choose the correct path? I am willing to do whatever God chooses for me. As far as I am concerned, the scariest place to be is outside of God's desired plan, but honestly, I don't have any idea what His plan for me is. These are the things I wrestle with. Will I ever know this side of heaven?

school projects

Well, I think I have finally finished my research paper for my intro to counseling course. My paper was on the treatment methods used for major depressive disorder. Now I start my project for human development which is going to be on adoption and identity formation, highlighting especially if there is a difference in identity formation between transracial and inracial adoptees.

Tiny flowers

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How to know?

I am in quite the quandary. When I started school, I really felt like God was leading me in that direction. I felt passionate about helping others through grief with training in counseling. In the classes I have taken so far, I have learned a lot, but I am overwhelmed and stressed about projects/papers/tests on a daily basis. I feel like school is keeping me from doing so many other things that I really enjoy. I also feel like it impacts my ability to be a loving, caring wife because I constantly feel under pressure.
I realize that I struggle with getting my worth from my accomplishments and without pursuing something specific, I feel like I am not improving or doing anything for God. I know, however, that logic is faulty. I know my worth is in God and God alone. Moving that information from my head to my heart is another story.
How do I know if I am supposed to stay with this or not? Am I supposed to push through something I really dislike because I am supposed to learn perseverance, or am I supposed to learn how to get my worth from God while not having anything tangible to base my worth on (such as pursuing another career).
I truly love the job I am in now, and am finding joy in so many things in my life. Unfortunately, school is not one of them. How do I know?? HELP!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mike and Monica

Such a beautiful wedding

Mike and Monica's Wedding

Michael and the flower girls
Jason and Dawn
Bill and Cindy
Bill, Michael, and Jason

Mike and Monica's Wedding

The garden where they had their ceremony
The mansion

First speeding ticket

Well, I officially got my first speeding ticket coming home from Mike and Monica's wedding on Saturday October 11th. It was 11:54 pm, I was on 81 North driving through Virginia, with my cruise control set at 75. I thought I was being quite responsible, as I usually drive a mere 85 mph. Jason was catching some Z's and I was very sleepy, so I figured I better play it safe, and drive a little slow. All of the sudden, in the median, I saw lights come on and whip around as a car pulled onto the highway right behind me. It seemed rather strange, and then when the flashing lights came on, I felt sorry for the person he was after. I mean, he couldn't be coming after me, I was only going 75! And then a sinking sensation came over me when I realized, 'hmmm, I am the only person on this road, I think he might be coming after me'. I slowed down and pulled off the highway, still slightly expecting him to fly past me in his pursuit of the "other" crazy driver. No such luck. We exchanged pleasantries, and I owe the state of Virginia $125. Bummer!
I guess it was a long time coming! : ) Speedracer better slow down. . .

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Personality Disorders

I am learning about personality disorders in my Intro to Counseling course. As I have been looking them over, I realized we all have some of these characteristics, just to lesser degrees. In the interest of learning here are the categories:

Wild personality disorders:
Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD): adult version of oppositional defiance disorder. Person often is reactionary to authority figures
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): difficulty with self-control, often test other's love for them, inadequately developed personal identity, difficulty developing relationships
Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD): very dramatic and flirtatious- not necessarily seeking a relationship with the person whom they are flirting with
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): thinks of themselves highly, expects to be treated better than others

Weird personality disorders:
Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD): anhedonia and amotivation, problems taking appropriate responsibility
Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD): assumption that others are plotting against them
Schizotypal Personality Disorder (SPD): odd and eccentric, magical thinking is borderline delusional and psychotic

Withdrawn personality disorders:
Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD): passive aggressiveness, no identity beyond what others give them
Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD): distances self from others in order to decrease potential of others controlling them
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD): focus on tasks and things to distract from failure at relationships with people

Very interesting. . . I am learning a lot