Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Road Less Travelled

I wanted to change the title of my blog. I got to thinking today, my life has often been about being different. I grew up as a missionary kid in Bangladesh and Kenya which always made me feel a little strange. Not in a bad way, just different. I loved seeing the world from so many different perspectives. Now as I have molded into American culture, I am finding myself again taking the road less travelled as I have been married going on eight years and do not have children. This has not always been a positive difference for me, I have often felt very out of place, but now, I am embracing this difference. I picture myself taking a detour from the main highway and traveling down back roads and I am amazed at the beauty of the scenery. Being different is not always bad. I get to see life from a different angle, and I am so grateful for this beautiful perspective.


emily said...

I love the new name as well as that poem by Frost - it's one of my favorites. And I'm glad your different - being so makes you interesting!

twiga92 said...

For me I call it being diagonally parked in a parallel universe :-)