Thursday, September 06, 2007

New closet?

Okay, I need some help.
Our bedroom is L-shaped.
The picture above shows the "bottom" of the L.
The doors on the left are the current closet.
I have always wanted a walk in closet.
So, I want to wall off this whole area and make it a walk-in.
The current closet would be opened up and part of the walk-in,
and then there would be shelves on both sides.
So, here is my question,
will it be strange to have a window at the back of the closet?
Have you ever seen that?
My plan is to work my dresser into the closet,
and build shelves around it.
The hope chest could stay or be moved.
Any suggestions would be great! : )
Below is another angle. . .


Aimee said...

Hmmm, I think it would be sort of odd to have a window wasted in your closet.

Q - Will you have adequate venting for your walk in? Here in AZ , even with a vent our walk-in in sooo miserable and hot. I usually grab my clothes/stuff quickly and get out of the closet.

Here is a thought I had for you and this part of your L shaped room.....IKEA, do you have one near you? They have awesome clothes storage systems that would work perfectly in that area without blocking the window. Here is a link

Whatever you guys end up doing I can't wait to see the results. Enjoy!!

Dawn said...

We actually do have pretty good venting. I don't think it gets as hot in PA either. : )
I want to look at the storage system link that you sent, but my computer won't let me for some reason, so I will try again later. Thanks so much for your suggestions, I am very open to ideas. : )

Unknown said...

I think that's a great idea. It won't really matter if it is a bit odd to have a window in a closet b/c no one will know that but you, right? I say the more storage space the better!!! I would be in heaven with a massive walk in! :)

Make sure to share your decisions and final results...